The past geological information about the Earth’s climate indicate that the recent half a century high temperature has been at least unusual for the past 1300 years. This increase in temperature has caused the ice volume of polar regions melt and this has led to 4-6 meter rise in sea levels.
The highest observed increase in average global warming from the mid-twentieth century is most probably because of the increase in concentration of greenhouse gases, which is due to human activities and their use of fossil fuel. One reaction to this climate change has been the development of other ways of energy production, which lead to less release of greenhouse gases. As a result, by the use of clean solar energy, we not only can save fossil fuel for the future generation, but also can help to reduce climate change risks. In another word, the solar energy is a shortcut for reaching to a stable way of optimized use of present tools and equipment without endangering the future needs. So this article has applied this approach to emphasize on the importance of the use of the solar energy as solar houses in societies.